The introverted side of me has severe crowd anxiety, but extroverted me loves a small gathering of friends that I can comfortably by loud and obnoxious with. I have to work myself up to being really energetic and fun for the clients I photograph. This always requires a good recharge when I get home. This leads me back to feeling like a grounded teenager! I like to be home, but I don’t like being told to stay there!
Read MoreHer biggest accomplishment of her senior year was buying her first car. She was told that she had to buy her own, so she got a job at Aroma Coffee shop and earned enough from her Junior and Senior year that she bought her very own car.
A Bord photographer safe in her home and can’t photograph. She does the next best thing! Indiana Senior Photographer | Rebecca Danielle Portraits
Read MoreI'm Becca, a home grown western Washington girl, turned Arizonan, now living in Indiana. I am the Middle child of 3 kids and a momma to two pretty amazing kiddos. We are a family who loves pets. With three dogs and one cat, the kids and I are trying to convince my husband to get a bunny. Honestly I would love chickens for those fresh eggs! I have a "slight" obsession with coffee, and I secretly still watch the bachelor/ bachelorette. I talk to my dogs as if they were humans and Family is everything to me.
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